Saturday, February 19, 2011

Democrats Have No Vision, No Strategy, No Message

Bear Market News

Democrats Have No Vision, No Strategy, No Message and No Outcome of Democratic Action

For decades I've tried to convince the Democratic leadership about the desperate need for a coherent, strategic communications plan to convince voters that its vision and plans for the future would be what’s best for Virginia. The only way to succeed in changing the conversation in, and direction of change is todefine the frames we talk about issues. I admitted to them that it would take courage, discipline and patience. They said that it sounded good, but ultimately, the leadership did nothing.

The chickens come home to roost every January after the Democrats have failed again and again in making definitive change. They came close with a strong platform in 2008 which they promptly ignored in 2009 and 2010.

The Democrats can also are obstructionists who have not advanced an alternative vision for governing.

While individual Democratic lawmakers have submitted bills they say they will prioritize, the caucus has not announced plans to roll out a unified legislative package.

Whether the Democratic Party puts forward a very clear alternative on issues beyond social issues is their challenge." Democrats have long maintained that the problem requires finding a new stream of revenue, such as a tax increase. But Republicans have said they will not raise taxes. Although Democrats agree the top priority should be job creation, they do not have a cohesive response to economic development proposals.

This lack of a common party-wide and accepted agenda keeps the public wondering what Democrats stand for other than vaguely for a tax increases. The party refuses to be strategic and develop a narrative about what Democrats stand for. Alas, I have no faith that anyone in the Democratic party has a clue as to how to change it.

Finally, this lack of a clear cohesive vision is what allows the conservatives among the GOP, while far smaller in number than the Democrats, to fill the vision vacuum with its own message of self-interest to persist against no clear vision to oppose it. Further, it is the conservative view or vision that drives the Democrats by default.

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