Friday, April 22, 2011

A Fatal Flaw of American Capitalism


Commented on:
U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

The fatal flaw with American capitalism is that it attempts to completely divorce the American worker from the American consumer.

They are one and the same.

Capitalism somehow expects the American worker to drop dead but the American consumer to continue buying.

American capitalism - with no thought but the bottom line and the next quarterly report - screws BOTH worker and consumer with equal abandon, then wonders why the US market and economy are bleeding to death.

The same principle applies to its global workers, global consumers, global markets.

Predatory American capitalism is caught in a vicious, self-creat­ed catch-22 it can never hope to escape and which will be its brutal demise.

It courts, then consumes the very thing that gives it life and power - the worker/con­sumer.

No law in the universe can sustain such a self-destr­uctive system.

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