Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why are Food and Energy Prices Increasing? Why is Fresh Water Growing Scarce? Why are Revolutions Spreading Through the Mideast? Simple.

Unsustainable Living Blog

Why are Food and Energy Prices Increasing? Why is Fresh Water Growing Scarce? Why are Revolutions Spreading Through the Mideast? Simple.

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Now multiply these numbers by 3 billion people in Asia who are aspiring to a Western diet, comprised of 30-40% animal protein. (See articles below from IMF and Bloomberg/Nouriel Roubini.) Then multiply that number again by 365 days per year and it is pretty easy to see why things will get worse before they get better in areas such as soil, air and water pollution, erosion of top soil, climate change, floods, famines, poverty, disease, droughts, collapsing economies and wars. This is completely unsustainable!

If you want to alleviate suffering in the world, slow down global warming, reduce energy prices, reduce global poverty, end pollution and otherwise save the world, how about starting by eating a plant based diet. The good news is that not only will you significantly reduce your own carbon footprint, and perhaps those you influence, you should also begin to feel better physically, as you eliminate toxicity stored in your body, shed excess pounds, and may even live longer. For an outstanding education on all the environmental, health and social benefits of a plant based diet, please read Diet for a New America by John Robbins.

You owe it to yourself to at least educate yourself. You owe it to the future generations of people. Please consider reading this phenomenal book before you make any comments to this post. You will be glad you did. And please consider adopting a plant based diet ASAP. You will feel better physically, and feel better about yourself at the same time!

About Unsustainable Living

Unsustainable living is what we have right now on planet earth. We have time to reverse the trend, and we need all the help we can get by raising awareness everywhere. We all need everybody to participate to turn things around for the better. Leaders and followers welcome!

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