Saturday, March 31, 2012

Welcome to the Diary's of Facts Bain and Mitt Romney Don't Want Known

Daily Kos

News, Community, Action

Mitt Romney Bain Chronicles

    What we are searching for here, seeking to accomplish and will be displaying - are the real nitty gritty dirty details of how Mitt Romney and Bain make their money. We will discuss the one issue that he really doesn't want discusssed - Paul Traub and how he confessed to lying intentionally to a federal court in perpetrating fraud on the court. Yet, inexplicably, though fraud on the court by officers of the court is such a heinous and egregious civil crime - that the U.S. Supreme Court has stated there can be NO Statute of Limitations on such acts - no investigation or arrests have transpired.

    You will only get facts here, not hyperbole or conjecture. Thus, if you disagree - it is okay to do so - but you are bound by the Kos Enter One's House RULE. Many ite's chose to despire me more - for pointing out tyranny, cronyism and corruption - than those who do the bad faith acts. That is your choice - but - this is my Diary. So be nice and please stick to the facts.

    Yes, this is a "personal" issue for me. Bain, Romney and their cohorts (including Goldman Sachs) - stole our company eToys by federal fraud and federal corruption. They offered me an inducement to join them and the key to the "good ole boys" club. I had been trying - all my life - to climb the ladder to make Laser the Liquidator actually be more than a coin of phrase and become part of the elite. Landing the job of eToys was my pinnacle and they offered me the Golden Goose. But not for a nano-second, did I consider selling out those who hired me.

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