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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Excessive Twittering is Ego-Blogging

The title to this blog matches my sentiments today as I performed a search on this topic. So much ego blather, as a dog pissing on every bush and flower as it trots mindlessly through the neighborhood. Certainly one of the major reasons why nothing is ever accomplished of value in America. I doubt that the excesssive twit-heads ever read what they tweet. If they did, or rather took it to heart, far more would be accomplished: here in America...where so little of substances occures these days...

"Excessive Twittering is Ego-Blogging

Everyone likes hearing their own voice. But not everyone has something important to say. In fact, it is highly unlikely that everything anyone says is overly compelling. For this reason, I believe that excessive Twittering is a form of ego-blogging.

Doesn’t it seem like some people Twitter just for the sake of Twittering? It drives me nuts. If you’re Twittering 20+ times a day, I doubt the material or content you are sharing is consistently fascinating. My take is that you should only Twitter if you have something important to say - something of major values to others (especially if it includes a link).

Think of it this way: there’s much higher likelihood that your followers will become desensitized to your Tweets, comments, and links if you continually spew out mediocre material. In addition, they will likely skip over your important Tweets, assuming they’re the same quality as the rest. On the other hand, Tweeting important, pertinent content on a sporadic basis will have your followers begging for more. This will ensure that they don’t block or delete you from their list. Furthermore, it may encourage them to share your name with others.

Excessive Twittering reminds me of Facebook apps. They both seemed cool at first - but now they’re just plain annoying. Send a Tweet when you come across something important or you have something significant to share. I don’t need to hear from you every time you scratch your bum." ...or worse.

1 comment:

  1. If BearMarketNews follows you, it is because you have had something to say. If I'm not following you or have retweeted you, its because you have not demonstrated s progressive populist message. I'm not looking for mindless followers. Rather I am looking for others who support the cause of voluntary service to others. I'm self sustainable and have never required a fee for services even in private practice as a therapist. I'm retired and self sufficient on the fruits of my own labor.
