Divide and Conquer
Are You Hooked In? By Jean Henderson
Are you losing yourself? Are you living according to other people’s rules and agendas? Do you feel free or restricted? You are a sovereign being that like most of us have fallen prey to the mind traps of society. Our minds are programmed to follow systems set up by others. The mind sets or beliefs are usually limiting you. These mind sets keep you in a place of restriction and these programs actually keep you in a continual and automatic state of playing the game according to the believed rules. I will call the game the Matrix and getting yourself free involves being aware of the traps and being able to see the programs for what they are and not getting attached or hooked into them.
The game has some very innovative and often subtle programs to keep you stuck in the Matrix. They are mind sets or beliefs that you are taught to believe. Most of programs have been with you so long that you do not even know you are operating under a certain belief system or mind set. The programs form the reality you are experiencing and are set in your subconscious mind. At first it is just a belief, you believe what you are told and after a while it is hardwired into your subconscious mind and you are continually operating under the belief. Examine your beliefs, as they are creating your reality. A good way to understand what your beliefs may be is to see what is occurring in your life. If you are having some financial problems for instance, you can guarantee you have some erroneous beliefs about money. Most of the beliefs were programmed by others, who have been authority figures and you have obediently believed them to be true. Not all these programs were done maliciously to harm you, they were believed by generation after generation as the way things are. The programs are set up to control and confine you. The Matrix is actually built and held in place by the belief system of the mass consciousness. If the majority of the people believe a certain thing that creates the reality most people live under. The reality is not real though, it is just believed to be real. We are living under the illusion of what the majority believes to be true.
One of these programs I call the “Divide and Conquer” mentality. This program is basically designed and set up to keep you feeling separate and not operating from a place of empowerment. This program reinforces the belief that you are not “good enough” and views independent thinking as a poor choice, as it is better to believe what the majority believes.
This program has a long heritage and can be seen everywhere. One example of this program in action is our religious belief systems. Religions are set up for you to follow and believe what someone else has deemed to be true through their filtering and perception. This is true whether the religious system is Christian, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, and the other multitude of religious organizations. The organization or church focuses on a belief system and gets people to buy into that system. Often if you have doubts or questions or know of a way the serves you better you can be ostracized, made to feel guilty, shamed, or worse. Jesus was actually persecuted and killed because he was teaching other concepts not held by the majority of the people. These are techniques done to get you to comply with the majority of believers or followers. Your own ideas or perceptions are not wanted, as the system wants followers, not leaders. The idea is to have you conform to the belief system and blindly follow. Many religious organizations also want you to believe that their organization is the one true belief system, thus continuing the “Divide and Conquer” mentality as other people who do not believe what they do are considered, wrong, inferior and a line of separation is perpetually created.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word divide as follows: to cause to be separate, distinct, or apart from one another; to separate into opposing sides or parties and division as; to become separated or disunited especially in opinion or interest. The definition of conquer from the same source is: to gain or acquire by force of arms; to overcome by force of arms; to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition ; to overcome by mental or moral power. If a person, system, or organization can make you feel separate from their beliefs or cause you to join into their belief you have just set yourself up in the mentality of separatism. The conquering aspect comes in when you make others that believe differently than you the enemy or the opposite, you get to retain the position of I am correct and they must be taught to believe what the rest of us believe or pay the price for non-conformity. You may be able to see our Government in action here.
Corporate America is another great “Divide and Conquer” system. Many corporations are set up in a hierarchical fashion. The top of the system decides all the rules and you must comply or be fired. You are somewhere on the corporate ladder and there are people above you and below you. This system is a great form of separation and you are taught to comply. You are paid according to what someone else thinks your value is. This does not foster empowerment and in fact disempowers its people. Some of the more innovative corporations have realized that there is a problem and have taken up teamwork as the answer to their solution, this is definitely a step in the right direction if set up as a cooperative effort where everyone has a voice. Most teams are not set up this way currently.
America is moving into home based businesses as many are breaking away from the Matrix. People want to create their own rules, taking their own responsibility and deciding what their value is. This in essence is a good thing as people are forced to look at options, as they have been disempowered, stressed and unhappy. I am very hopeful that this group of people will start to work with others and create a system of unity, working together as empowered individuals, honoring each other for our own unique gifts and talents.
By living authentically and knowing who we are is the way out of the Matrix. You are a powerful divine being that has been playing a game of “less than”. Caught in the opinions and beliefs of others you have diminished yourself and the very essence you are. You get to decide what is right for you. You abuse your power when you think you can decide what is right for others.
We can replace the “Divide and Conquer” mentality with one that actually says “United We Stand”. This is not done by standing against others and making them wrong, unity is formed by including everyone. We are moving toward a global consciousness based on unity of all people, diversity is wanted as it brings with it many new perceptions to explore and expand us. We are all one people and everyone is a divine being in many different states of awareness. We can raise the bar to be an inclusive community of harmony for all. If we continue to hold onto the mind set of exclusivity, we continue the game of separation. To move beyond the “Divide and Conquer” mentality we must start to think for ourselves. We can look at the mind sets and decide if they are a program we want to consciously attach to, are they serving me? Am I free to be me in the program, or am I restricted and having to adapt and lose part of me. It does not matter if you choose to be part of a mind set, the difference is you are actually choosing the mind set and are aware of your choice. The time has come for you to be part of this grand reality shifting experience and we want you to show up in all your brilliance. You get to decide what part of the masterpiece you create. You get to consciously choose the reality you are wanting to experience. You are the one you have been waiting for!
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