Friday, June 19, 2009

Coke Accountability

Coke Accountability

Corporate Accountability International writes that Coke's latest shareholder meeting was another event to spin the corporation's "green" image," exposing, once again, the gulf between Coke's rhetoric and its actions. Corporate Accountability International had delivered 6,000 comments calling on Coke to dispense with its high-priced PR and answer the popular demand that it label the source of its Dasani bottled water, provide better information on its quality, and stop threatening local control of water when operating bottling plants.

Earlier, when a report came out urging the corporation to stop bottling in water-parched areas in India, Coke's India Division told a reporter the answer was "not to stop bottling." The pumps kept running and this same pattern was born out even in Georgia, where city rationing during drought conditions didn't preclude Coke from continuing to churn out its products, including bottled tap water, at full-tilt. Each year, billions of pounds of plastic waste from Coke products wind up in landfills, incinerators, or as roadside litter—even as Coke spends millions on PR to push its "green" image (

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