Thursday, June 18, 2009


[Note: A year ago, while campaigning for Obama, someone suggested that if Obama wins, we'll have to apologize for slavery and then pay reparations. I laughed and said we've already gone beyond that. Not a chance, if Obama wins. I was wrong there as well.]


Vote: Should Congress apologize for slavery?

Entrance to the Senate

Image via Wikipedia

Following the lead of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate passed a resolution today that apologized to African Americans for the institution of slavery and the practice of segregation. As the wording of the Senate version differs from the House apology, the House will have to vote again on whether to pass the new measure. The resolution is non-binding, and doesn’t offer anything in the way of reparations. Nor is the first African American president’s signature required for its formal recognition. Numerous states across the country have passed similar symbolic edicts.

So, as a gesture of goodwill, is this vote important? Vote:

Is Congress right to formally apologize for slavery?

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