Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Maddow Responds To Lou Dobbs: "Deeply Confusing" To Be Called "Tea-Bagging Queen" (VIDEO) etc.

Huffington Post | Nicholas Graham
First Posted: 07-29-09 09:00 AM | Updated: 07-29-09 01:39 PM

Last night Rachel Maddow responded to CNN's Lou Dobbs calling her a "tea-bagging queen" on his radio show yesterday. She said Dobbs called her that because she "made fun of him on this show for helping into the mainstream the off-the-deep-end, wingnut racist conspiracy theory that Barack Obama is secretly foreign, and therefore secretly not really president."

She was also curious about the nature of the insult itself:

In the meantime we're all left to sort out the deeply confusing nature of what it means to be called a tea-bagging queen by Lou Dobbs. A tea-bagging queen? What kind of queen would that be exactly? And can a female person be that kind of queen?


1 comment:

  1. Clearly, Dobbs & Company, the Family, and the GOP have gone way over the edge of sanity.
