Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Right-Wing Attack Dogs Stoke Fears of a Black President


AlterNet Video

GRITtv: Is Taxing the Wealthy Good For Our Health?
Posted by Laura Flanders, GRITtv on July 29, 2009 at 9:00 AM.

One of the proposals to pay for healthcare reform was to impose an income tax surcharge on families earning more than $350,000. Under pressure from congress, that number has now gone up to $1,000,000 for families and $500,000 for individuals. But does it stand a chance against the conservatives’ anti-tax fantasy? Today Rep. MAXINE WATERS, Columbia Business School Professor ERIC SCHOENBERG and others on why taxing the wealthy might be good for our health.

Watch it:



Right-Wing Attack Dogs Stoke Fears of a Black President
Posted by Joshua Holland, AlterNet on July 28, 2009 at 12:56 PM.

Check out the video to your right, courtesy of Media Matters.

On a closely related note, am I the only one who finds it odd, or maybe oddly refreshing, that there's so much mainstream hew hue and cry over all this 'birther' nonsense? Seems like many in the media are shocked that the paranoid right would come up with outlandish tales of intrigue about a Democratic president's dark secret moves rather than oppose him on the substance of his policies.

It's odd because in modern times, that's just what they do. Remember the Clinton death list? Hillary as a killer crypto-lesbian who faked Vince Foster's suicide?

Nothing new about any of this madness.

And there's certainly nothing new about conservatives fanning white folks' terror at the prospect of losing their privilege to some angry black interloper.

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