Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Act Now: Michigan Chamber of Commerce to Feature Glen Beck as Keynote Speaker

Michigan Democratic Party

Michigan Chamber's Keynote Speaker Calls Obama and Sotomayor "Racist"

Michigan Chamber’s Keynote Speaker: Obama is a “Racist”

Does the Chamber Endorse His Views?

LANSING – Glenn Beck, the keynote speaker at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce’s September annual meeting, believes President Obama is a “racist” (“Fox and Friends” July 28, 2009)

Earlier this year on his talk show, Beck said Obama has “a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.” Beck also joked about poisoning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (YouTube, “Beck Jokes About Putting Poison in Pelosi’s Wine”) and believes Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor is also a racist. “I think she’s a racist. I think she has decided things based on race,” Beck said. (http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200905280008)

“Does the Chamber agree with the views of Beck that President Obama and Justice Sotomayor are racists?” asked Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer. “What’s next for the Chamber? Inviting Jackson County Commissioner Phil Duckham, who has compared President Obama to Hitler, to address the Chamber on health care reform?”

Contact the Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Call us at (517) 371-2100 or toll free at (800) 748-0266


Our mailing address is:
Michigan Chamber of Commerce
600 S. Walnut Street
Lansing, Michigan 48933

Send your questions/comments

1 comment:

  1. sounds like the pot's calling the kettle black...
