Saturday, November 12, 2011

How "Republicans" are Destroying our World/Planet

Blogs / jimstaro's blog / cheney and Deregulation, republican Mindset by a Republican

cheney and Deregulation, republican Mindset by a Republican

By jimstaro - Posted on 08 June 2010

cheney couldn't find another stooge to run with the one the so called gop had picked, to do their's and his bidding, so he could stay behind the scenes and run the wants of their criminal enterprise, so he chose himself!! And the main stooge was so ignorant he doesn't still realize history will only use him as the example of total failed leadership and corrupt government!!! Cheney's push of deregulators led to BP disaster

June 8, 2010 Wilkerson on Cheney Pt2: Cheney's support for pro-industry "regulators" maybe his main damage to America

Cheney and the other neocons are not real Republicans, and neither are most members of the Repub. Party; but the neocons are neocons and they neoconly conned the Repub. Party into accepting them as members, after which they corrupted the party more than it was before. And the "merry" party continues.

I viewed a video clip not long ago for when he spoke before, at the CFR. He spoke of having been formerly chosen as a director or chair, but seemed rather cowardly, about to weewee in his pants at first; before the CFR. He seemed to be approved and then continued with greater confidence about what he then said, which anyone who knows about him can know was definitely nothing good.

Since then I came across a video clip in which Hillary Clinton was speaking and I don't recall if it was only the CFR, but she spoke about it, including to its members, who may or may not have been physically present where she was speaking. She therein let viewers or listeners in on a little secret, about the CFR running U.S. foreign policy. She said that she was elated to have the CFR nearby and added that if it wasn't for the CFR, then Washington would be lost.

She said this as if thinking that the public listening to her speech wouldn't realize that what she was basically describing was or is usurpation, subversion of the U.S. Constitution and the Congress, as well as democracy. After all, the CFR is very powerfully influential when it comes to U.S. foreign policy and possibly also national policy. Many knowledgeable critics have written sufficiently and clearly about this. And the CFR is neither a part of the government, NOR elected by The People. It's a body of top US elites; the top members of this non-governmental organization are anyway. And it is deceptive in that it doesn't make a lot of noise like AIPAC does, f.e.

Most anti-AIPAC'ers I've read have never mentioned the CFR, yet serious analysts have said that the CFR decides US foreign policies. Or if it does not do this alone, then these analysts or critics don't refer to AIPAC as equally significant, say. Imo, the true top ruling elites aren't going to make a lot of noise, because they strategically do NOT want to draw public attention to the fact that they are evil and, well, not solely, but nevertheless very responsible for the evils committed by the US govt.

Criminals who make a lot of noise normally are either distractors, or awfully clumsy; or both. CFR operates in "politically correct" ways; as hellbent incorrect as they are and which sane and sufficiently informed citizens can see for themselves. AIPAC is not only evil, it's very noisy about it too. Usually, criminals want to avoid being noticed, but not aipac, which makes its real purpose suspect.

NONE of these people and organizations are truly Republican; but, again, neither are most official members, as well as supporters, of the Repub. Party. Many people call these others "conservatives", but they're not conserving any respect for the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Bill of Rights; like the so-called "conservatives" of the Roman Catholic Church don't conserve respect for the teachings and ways of the founding and maitre educator of Christian religion or faith, Jesus. It's oxymoronic to call any of these people (besides Jesus) "conservative", but they do conserve their adoptions of wickedness; just that the distinction is never mentioned by the anti-conservative critics.

I've read that the Dem. Party historically has been more war criminal than the Repub. Party and I don't know if this is true, or not, but have never read the opposite, or any rebuttal. Just as most Repub. Party members are not real Repubs, most Dem. Party members are not really democratic.

What a lovely situation this sort of ensemble makes.

Abe Lincoln was a Repub. and while he apparently gets credit for waging war to end slavery, some historians (not found in school books) tell a different story. What they say is that the war was a consequence of his plans to take money-making control away from banksters to make the govt in control, as is Constitutionally required. The documentary film entitled, "The Money Masters", recounts this different version of history.

President JFK is said to have planned to do the same thing, but it's not the sole thing he did and planned to do that displeased top elites.

Neither of them was saintly or holy, but they both planned to do good things that were definitely in line with respect for the Constitution, which the two main parties today are not particularly concerned about. They shelved the Constitution for it to collect dust.

But Cheney's a neocon and if he had his way, then he'd remove the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, from the shelves where they're collecting dust and burn them. Hmmm, reminds me a little of Hitler, who pretended to be socialist.

For US politics, it's oxymoronic to consider anyone who shows disregard for the good and necessary parts of the Constitution, as well as for the Bill of Rights, as conservative. They're not conservatives; they're subversives, usurpers, traitors, domestic [enemies].

The CFR is like the operations branch of the CIA. Both employ people and keep them employed, until they become "trouble", in order to provide a facade or image for the organizations that the public will tend to find to be acceptable; hiding the real evil within, including from the innocent employees and members.

This is some of what I've gathered from my readings so far about these above matters, anyway. But it definitely makes sense that this is what's going on; part of what's going on, that is.

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