Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is the GOP the real Manchurian Candidate?

OB Rag,
freaks, uppity women & politicos

By JEC / July 27, 2011

The Manchurian Candidate, the idea of a mole, a plant on the inside using a powerful position (the Presidency) to destroy the nation. Consider, in 2001 the GOP was handed a balanced budget producing a mild surplus. The GOP took that balanced budget and turned it upside down; then using lies, started aggressive wars they knew would cost hundreds of billions but they cut taxes and kicked the cost down the road. Now the bills are due and they refuse to pay. It’s like they threw a big banquet, invited everyone to go shopping and are now ducking out on paying their bills.

The GOP has revealed a weakness in our political institutions. The GOP has discovered that a minority can stop the rest from acting. But then the GOP is not interested in actually doing anything. Not a single national endeavor has left their lips in twenty years save for one – go to war on a credit card then dodge the bill when due.

In 1988 Newt Gingrich and associates developed their ‘starve the beast’ strategy. Unable to cut services their plan – cut the revenues; the GOP appealed to our baser instincts with tax cuts and an idea of a free lunch. Through their bankrupt ideology and their intellectual dishonesty the U.S. is now on the brink; our reputation is soiled, our standard of living continues to fall and our future is foggy. Vast majorities feel we are on the road to ruin. There is ample evidence. Just look for yourself. But is it just about money and a balance sheet or does it run deeper?

The GOP has nothing left save destroying what others are trying to build. Like some beach bully kicking over sand castles they sought to destroy the ‘New Deal’ of FDR and the America as we know it along with it. But let’s be clear, the time has come to confront this monster – it must be done, now. A death by a thousand cuts has no future.

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