The Day Democracy Died
Author: Barr Jozwicki -
Categories: Market Update - Tags: corporations, Exxon, Military Industial Complex, Monopoly, Obama, Shadow Banks, Supreme Court 
The Day Democracy Died
We the People , in the USA, just became We the Corporation . In a real sense all campaign finance reform has been virtually abolished . The US Supreme Court in a partisan 5-4 decision gave corporations and their lobbyist (or any entity) the permission to spend whatever they want on any election . Any candidate who dares stand against any wealthy special interest can be threatened and overwhelmed by money in an election. For more read the lead NYT editorial The Court’s Blow To Democracy
It may take a few years for the real impact to be felt. Here are some examples
- Locally – Developers and corporations will be far more able to buy town and state politicians who appoint the local zoning boards and make the laws. If they want to put a strip mall next to your home and crush the value of the houses in your neighborhood they can. Businesses on the local and state level will get to pay less taxes and YOU will have to pay more.
- Big Shadow Banks – YOU bailed out the big banks for their mistakes and they got HUGE bonuses. Forget Obama’s declaration to fight the Shadow Banks. Goldman Sachs (4.3 billion in profit last 1/4) and the other shadow banks know can throw billions at politicians that oppose any taxpayer bailout. The bailout era may have just begun .
- Military Industrial Complex – Any weapons company knows it needs a war and fear mongering to grow profits. Now they can spend whatever they want. The criteria for choosing a weapon will also change from its effectiveness to whichever company has the most money to intimidate a politician. If a poll doesn’t support a war/weapons system they can overwhelm him/her in a reelection with money.
- Monopoly s – The biggest winners are the biggest companies. In every industry the most powerful company rules. It will be far easier forcing smaller competitors out of business once the giant corporations own local state and national politicians. Example EXXON – The biggest corporate entity will have the most money and therefore own the most politicians. Each competitor will get shoved aside or gobbled up starting with small business and ending with their major competitors.
- Freedom - No other functioning democracy allows the legal corporate buying of politicians . People have the power in these democracies. The corporate board rooms in the USA will be the oligarchy where decisions are made on everything from taxation to your freedom if you dare to challenge their power.
- Taxpayer – The taxpayer has been thrown under the bus. As corporate taxes fall either deficits will grow or you will be forced to pay the difference.
There will be some corporations and individuals (perhaps Google & folks like Warren Buffett) that will work for the betterment of the world. But greed/profit is the bottom line for corporations. Your $25 contribution or work for a candidate can be overwhelmed by Exxon’s or Shadow Bank’s $2.5 billion contribution. Our constitution centuries ago was created for We the People – now its changed to We the Corporations. Remember 1/21/2010. If there is no change – Democracy as we know it has died.
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