The Ostroy Report is a fresh, aggressive voice for Democrats and a watchdog of the Republican Party. While our mission is to support our new President Barack Obama and help build a greater Democratic majority in Congress, we're not afraid to criticize our own when warranted.

Massachusetts voters will go to the polls January 19th in a special election for the deceased Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. While there's no panic button being set off just yet--Massachusetts voters have not sent a Republican to the Senate in 37 years--a new Rasmussen poll indicates that Attorney General Martha Coakley's once comfortable lead over her Republican opponent Scott Brown is narrowing. In a political year wrought with voter dissatisfaction with Congress and dwindling approval of President Obama and his agenda, Democrats should take nothing for granted. The left must hold onto this seat if it expects to pass Obama's health-care reform bill and other measures on the Democrats' agenda.
The special election is just 10 days away, and Republicans are pulling out all the stops to win or at least come close. A Coakley loss would be nothing short of devastating. A narrow-margin victory for her in this solidly blue state could be a chilling foreshadowing of things to come in November's midterms and thus empower conservatives even further. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) reports that the
"American Future Fund, the guys who brought you the Swift Boat attacks against decorated war veteran John Kerry, are up with a $400,000 buy, smearing Coakley." Coakley's being portrayed as weak on terrorism, soft on immigration, pro-gay and pushing big tax increases. Democrats must win this state, and win big.
Please support Coakley's bid to continue the Kennedy legacy. Funds are needed immediately to combat the harsh attacks from the right. Click
here to donate directly to the Coakley campaign or
here to contribute to the DSCC. And please urge everyone you know in Massachusetts to vote Coakley on January 19th.
If you please, Andy, come up with a better reason to support Coakley than to rescue Obama's pending disaster of the Senate health insurance subsidy bill. As one whose insurance package is deemed "Cadillac" and who is facing a 40% tax on coverage I hold in lieu of higher wages (for which I would be paying only 15% in income taxes), I have no reason to passively allow Obama's Frankenstein Medical Monster to eat the health care I need through forcing me to provide higher insurance company profits in trade for reduced coverage and higher out-of-pocket expenses.
Because I don't want to see the Tea Baggers use the GOP to take power in this country, I want to see the Democrats wake up and do what the nation demands. For that reason only I'm sympathetic to promoting Coakley. But if the Democrats fail me, and millions of others like me, by selling us to the insurance industry for thirty pieces of filthy silver, then to hell with the Democrats, and let the demonic Tea Baggers take the hindmost to roast as their celebratory pig.
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