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Monday, July 13, 2009

13 doctors say WMD mole did not commit suicide

the raw story

13 doctors say WMD mole did not commit suicide

A group of doctors in the UK are mounting a legal and political campaign to overturn the suicide verdict in the death of a British doctor who was found dead shortly after exposing falsehoods about the justification for the Iraq war.

Dr. David Kelly was found dead in 2003 in a forest near his home in Oxfordshire. An inquiry into his death concluded that he had bled to death during a suicide attempt.

But 13 UK doctors are now challenging that assertion — and in doing so, renewing suspicions the doctor may have been murdered after it was revealed he was the mole for a BBC report that said evidence used to launch the Iraq war had been “sexed up.”

Earlier this month RAW STORY reported that Kelly had been working on a tell-all book about the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the existence of “germ warfare plans.”

A former British ambassador quoted Kelly as having said “I will probably be found dead in the woods” if Iraq were invaded.

The UK’s Daily Telegraph reports that the 13 doctors don’t believe that a cut to Kelly’s left wrist would have resulted in enough bleeding to kill him.

“The bleeding from Dr Kelly’s ulnar artery is highly unlikely to have been so voluminous and rapid that it was the cause of death,” the 13 doctors stated in a 12-page report.

David Halpin, one of the 13 doctors, told the UK’s Sky News that “no fingerprints were found on the knife … A man sweating with the fear of death confronting him, he would have left fingerprints on the handle of the knife.”

Under Britain’s Coroner’s Act, the doctors can challenge the findings into Kelly’s death in a court of law.

According to the UK’s Daily Mail, “one of the doctors also said that he believes someone hacked into his computer, and thousands of emails discussing Dr. Kelly had gone missing.”

A documentary about David Kelly’s revelations, entitled Anthrax War, was aired in Canada by the CBC and will be broadcast this week in the UK by the BBC.

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