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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Dear friends,

As I was making final preparations to announce complaints against CIA lawyers who facilitated torture, the New Yorker reported that an Iraqi was crucified to death.

He died with his ribs broken, head covered in a bag, and being held up by his two arms.

The forensic pathologist who reported the death described it as a homicide.

No one has been indicted. It is not even clear if there was any investigation to discover who was responsible for the murder.

Human Rights Watch reports that 98 people died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also note that we do not know what happened to many other people in custody. They seem to have disappeared.

Monday, at a press conference in Washington, D.C. (
video here), we announced complaints against three intelligence agency lawyers who were aggressive advocates of torture, who facilitated torture with their law license. See media coverage here.

Two of these lawyers are still working in the Obama administration, CIA Acting General Counsel John Rizzo and an attorney for the National Director of Intelligence, Jonathan Fredman.

Click here to urge Obama to remove these lawyers from office.

Rizzo may be known to you because the Department of Justice memos that attempted to legalize torture were written for him. He sought a legal shield from the Justice Department and after a lot of pressure from the White House was given one in these false DOJ memos. Before the DOJ memos, Rizzo had already approved the waterboarding of one suspect 83 times. Rizzo was also the General Counsel for the CIA when the agency destroyed 93 tapes that showed extremely harsh torture interrogations despite a court order to preserve them.

Fredman is known for saying, "Torture is subject to perception. If the detainee dies, you're doing it wrong." He also warned interrogators for the military never to videotape torture interrogations, which he euphemistically called aggressive interrogations, because they will "look ugly."

These lawyers behaved like mob lawyers, telling their clients how to break the law and to destroy the evidence or make sure not to provide evidence of their crimes.

They are still working for President Obama.

Click here to urge Obama to remove them from office.

We're staying on the torture accountability issue. The toxicity of torture in the U.S. body politic has only one antidote: apply the rule of law to torturers and their facilitators.

How do we get Washington, D.C., which is in gridlock over the torture issue, to act? There is only one way: organized and persistent citizen pressure.

Click here to write the president, congressional representatives, and the attorney general to take action: publicly investigate torture and appoint an independent counsel to gather the facts and apply the rule of law.

join us in our efforts to ensure torture accountability. We can only do it with your support.


Kevin Zeese
Executive Director

VotersForPeace is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose candidates for office.


2842 N. Calvert St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


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