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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Traitor Joe Sells 'Bait and Switch' and Proud of It...

Avast ye, mateys! Traitor Joe writin’ to ya once again. These Greenpeace folks sure are causing lots of problems for me Trader Joe’s stores lately, showing up and educatin’ me customers about the red list seafood we have in stock. But I’ve got a plan to hornswaggle them all!

Last Friday, after me stores received thousands of comments from Greenpeace’s activists, Trader Joe’s announced on its website that they will use the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s seafood list to help choose sustainably fished seafood. Sounds good, right?

Well, I wouldn’t be the salty freebooter I am if I gave up that easy! I made sure that the Trader Joe’s website goes on to say that they’re still going to sell red list species that the Aquarium says we should avoid. The old bait and switch!

Please do not go to TraitorJoe.com and send a singing fish telegram to me stores. The pressure Greenpeace’s activists have been putting on Trader Joe’s is working, and if you landlubbers keep it up, I just might be forced to take a long hard look at my seafood purchasing policy and ensure that no red list species are ever on sale in me stores again.

While Greenpeace thinks it’s excellent that Trader Joe’s will work with the Monterey Bay Aquarium to implement a sustainable seafood policy, me stores haven’t pulled any red list items from the shelves, or even announced a timeline for doing so. It’s just words so far! And that’s how I want it.

So seriously, please don’t take action now to ask Trader Joe’s to stop contributing to ocean destruction. Let me keep up the ruse and keep Greenpeace off my back.

From the bottom of the barrel,

Traitor Joe

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